10 Tempat Wisata di Lesotho yang Wajib Dikunjungi - World is Ours

10 Tempat Wisata di Lesotho yang Wajib Dikunjungi

By andrewchristianjr - Sunday, June 14, 2020

Negara enklave yang berpopulasi sedikit di atas dua juta ini sayangnya gagal menyandang gelar sebagai negara bebas corona semenjak ditemukannya virus ini di Lesotho.

Meski begitu, nampaknya serangan virus corona tersebut tidak membuat Lesotho kehilangan daya tariknya lho! Nah, berikut 10 tempat wisata di Lesotho yang oke abis!

1. Maletsunyane Falls Semonkong

Maletsunyane Falls | waterfall, Lesotho | Britannica

2. Afriski Mountain Resort
Lovely photos of Lesotho's only ski resort where you will have no ...

3. Katse Dam
Katse Dam - Wikipedia

4. Maluti Mountains
Maluti Mountains (Maseru, Lesotho) - Review - Tripadvisor

5. Gates of Paradise Pass
Gates of Paradise Pass, Lesotho | Gate of Paradise Pass, Mal… | Flickr

6. Thaba-Bosiu National Monument
Thaba Bosiu, the mountain which gave birth to the nation of ...

7. Morija Museum & Archives
Morija Museum & Archives (Lesotho) - Review - Tripadvisor

8. Mohale Dam
Mohale Dam - Wikipedia

9. Lesotho Sun Casino
Lesotho Sun Hotel - Picture of Avani Lesotho Hotel & Casino ...

10. Pioneer Mall
Pioneer mall in Maseru, Lesotho | Tripboba.com

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